The following are helpful resources to get you started on your coaching journey. Remember: NEVER be a player’s LAST COACH. Keep things FUN. Make the kids want to play soccer again NEXT season.
WYSA encourages all of our coaches to take the US Youth Soccer Coaching License Courses. These coaching courses are both educational and fun. They will definitely make you a better coach and improve the quality of youth soccer coaching in Westford. Give consideration to taking at least 1 in-person course, as these sessions are much more hands-on and interactive. Any course fee will be reimbursed by WYSA.
To request reimbursement, please send your name, mailing address, course receipt, and a copy of your completion certificate to
[email protected] WYSA Soccer Coaching 101WYSA Soccer CurriculumWYSA Weekly Practice Plans (By Grade)Mass Youth Soccer Session Plans (By Age) WYSA Effective Cone LayoutsWYSA/NE Revs Player Development SessionsHELP! I Volunteered to Coach!1,000 Touch Soccer TrainingUS Youth Soccer Training CoursesWYSA Curriculum Night Webinar
These presentations were delivered as a webinar on April 8, 2021. Here is a link to the recording and password:
Recording: https://cisco.webex.com/cisco/ldr.php?RCID=6103d14a5592a1651a25cd9fdb3b036f
Password: 4RmmweMN
Note: During the presentation, we played several videos and they came out a little choppy on the recording. I suggest you open your own copy of the Soccer Coaching 101 curriculum as you view the recording and click the links in your own view of the presentation to make your own connection to the videos.