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Westford Youth

Soccer Association

Westford Youth Soccer Association

Codes of Conduct

Westford Youth Soccer Association follows the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Parents, Players and Referees and the Zero Tolerance Policy as well as the WYSA Parent / Player Agreement and Coach Agreement.  All policies and agreements can be found below.

Player/Parent Agreement

Player Expectations

1.     Respect for teammates, coaches, referees, parents and opponents. Live by the Golden Rule: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.”

2.     High level of commitment and dedication for practice sessions and games.

a.     Give 100% effort each time they walk on the field – practices and games.

b.    Be on time for practices and games (5 minutes prior for practice, 15 minutes prior to games).

c.     Attend as many of the practice sessions/games as possible.

3.     Take care of your own equipment and the fields you play on.

4.     Focus on the things you can control.

5.     Bring a properly inflated ball, shin guards and plenty of water to all practice sessions/games.

Parent/Guardian Expectations

1.     Do not coach your player from the sidelines. Let the coaches do their jobs.

2.     Encourage and acknowledge good play and effort by both teams.

3.     Be positive!  Never say anything negative to any of the players – they are all learning.

4.     Respect the coaches’ and referee’s decisions at all times and be a positive role model for your child.

5.     Make sure your player is on time to practices and games or make sure his/her coach knows about the absence as far ahead of time as possible.

a.     Be on time for practices and games (5 minutes prior to practices, 15 minutes prior to games).

b.    Attend as many of the practice sessions/games as possible.

6.     Ensure only one parent per player is at games.

The 24 Hour Rule: Parent/Guardians may request a meeting or discussion with the Coach or Age Director. Such a meeting however shall not take place until a minimum of 24 hours after the request has been made and a minimum of 24 hours after a game.

We are committed to making a positive impact on this team and will fulfill the above expectations.

Coach Agreement

1.     Coaches are responsible for the safety of their players. Ensure that your field surfaces, field equipment, player equipment, and training activities are safe.

2.     Be positive! Provide a positive learning environment for the players and allow them to have FUN.

3.     Promote fair play, good sportsmanship, and good citizenship. Always be a positive role model.

4.     Coaches are responsible for the behavior of their players and spectators.

5.     No coach, player, or spectator shall dispute decisions made by the referee.

6.     No coach, player, or spectator shall use profane language.

7.     Communicate practice/game times to your parents and players in a timely manner.

8.     Be on time for practices and games (30 minutes prior for games or as specified).

9.     Never leave the field before your last player.

10.   Be equal and fair with playing time.

11.   There is a zero-tolerance policy regarding the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco products at any WYSA event (see WYSA Alcohol, Drug, Tobacco Policy).

Do NOT be a player’s last coach. You do NOT want to be the reason a child gives up on a sport.

The 24 Hour Rule: Parent/Guardians may request a meeting or discussion with the Coach or Age Director. Such a meeting however shall not take place until a minimum of 24 hours after the request has been made and a minimum of 24 hours after a game.

I am committed to making a positive impact on this team and will fulfill the above expectations.


Westford Youth Soccer Association
PO Box 4109 
Westford, Massachusetts 01886

Email: [email protected]
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